How to build an application in Excel VBA using the UserForm form In the last part of the course we will deal with the creation of a short application using the form. As in the case of the previous application, we should write down the basic requirements based on which our […]
vba examples
What is VBA UserForm The UserForm form is a form that works under Excel that allows us to create visually developed applications. You can add more types of controls to the UserForm form than to the data sheet. From the controls of the UserForm form, we can distinguish primarily: Label label TextBox […]
How to insert VBA CheckBox control in Excel Sheet (ActiveX control)? How to use VBA Check Box ? You can embed this control in Excel in the same way as the option buttons. The important thing compare to the VBA option button is that you can select more than one option using Check […]
Building an application for entering data – Inserting an Option Button Option (ActiveX Control) We would like the data on gender to be entered in the “I” column of our data table, which is the value of Woman or Man. In this case, we should construct our application in such a […]
SELECT CASE instruction – introduction Another instruction next to IF THEN ELSE used in the decision making process by your programs is the SELECT CASE VBA statement. The instruction checks entered value with the defined conditions. On this basis, one scenario is chosen in your decision-making process. After selecting the scenario, the action stored in the block is […]
Worksheet functions – How to use the Excel function in VBA Have you ever wondered how you can use the Excel function in VBA? Worksheet functions come with help. As you know, the Excel spreadsheet offers a number of useful functions. The resource of functions that you can use in the VBA code […]
Description of date and time functions. VBA date functions, as the name suggests, are used to manipulate the values related to dates and time. On their basis, you can catch any parameter such as day, month, year, etc. from the given date. You can also subtract two dates from each […]
VBA character functions in Excel The Excel VBA offers us a number of useful character functions. We can’t compare them to the number of functions in an Excel spreadsheet, and these are not the same functions. The use of the sheet functions in VBA code will be described in other chapter. VBA Character functions can […]
Description of math functions in Excel VBA Below I present the names and descriptions of all standard math functions in Excel VBA. As you can see, functions like VBA RND don’t need arguments. Functions like VBA ROUND require 2 arguments – the value and the number of decimal places to […]
Introduction to functions in Excel VBA You have already come to the chapter about VBA functions – Congratulations !!! In VBA we have a large number of useful functions. Using them our programs work in the right way. With their use, you will do mathematical activities, manipulate text data and dates. You can […]
Types of operators in Excel VBA In our scripts we will use both arithmetic expressions and logical expressions. For this purpose, we will be able to use operators in Excel VBA, we can put them into 3 groups: arithmetic logical comparison VBA operators: arithmetic Arithmetic operators serve as the name suggests […]
Introduction to data types in Excel VBA Why is it so important to assign a variable to the correct data type? Your program and its variables use the resources of your computer. If you want to ensure that your program works quickly, choose the types of data that you really […]
Constant values in VBA – what is it? In the previous chapter of the course you learned what are the VBA variables using in your VBA code. The difference between variables and constants in VBA is the values assigned as constant will not change during the launch of your program. If you want your […]
Introduction to VBA variables In VBA, as in other programming languages, we work with variables. The VBA language does not require declaring variables. You can, for example enter variable name that will be interpreted as a variable, and then you can execute any instructions on it. I put an example listed below. 'OfficeInside.Org Sub […]
1. How to use VBA in Excel worksheet It’s great that you’ve already reached this part of the VBA Excel training. In this chapter we will learn in detail the possibilities offered by the VBA in the Excel worksheet. If you are wondering how to write a program that will […]
Search for the last row number in the Excel table using VBA. Often in VBA we need to add another row or data record into the Excel table. To do this, it is usually necessary to find the location of the last non-empty row. To find the last completed record in the sheet, […]