VBA IF THEN ELSE – What is the conditional statement? In the simplest sense, VBA IF is the equivalent of the Excel IF(), but function used in the VBA code. Imagine that you want your program to make decisions based on the data you enter. Depending on what data you enter at […]
excel vba tutorial
Worksheet functions – How to use the Excel function in VBA Have you ever wondered how you can use the Excel function in VBA? Worksheet functions come with help. As you know, the Excel spreadsheet offers a number of useful functions. The resource of functions that you can use in the VBA code […]
Creating VBA functions defined by user Both Excel and VBA offer you a number of useful functions. But what if you would like to create a VBA function that you will use in Excel? VBA offers you possibility of creating your own functions. These are functions that source code you write yourselve. You can […]
VisualBasic Editor – Introduction The VisualBasic editor will be the tool that you will use in this course. In order to take full advantage of the VBA option on your computer, you should start with: Unlocking the Developer tab in Excel Enable macro operations in Excel How to enable Developer […]
Excel VBA Tutorial – What is Excel VBA? VBA Online Course Why do we use VBA? You can use the VBA code in Excel for example to: Create useful macros Make own functions, ie. functions that Excel doesn’t have Create Excel add-ons Use programs not related to Excel Automate your […]