1. Atn VBA function – Description The Atn VBA function returns the arcustangent value. In order to calculate the arcustangent value, we should use this function. For example, arctan with 1 is Pi / 4. 2. VBA Atn function – Syntax 'officeinside.org Atn (Number As Double) As Double Number : […]
excel vba functions
1. Tan VBA Function – Description The Tan VBA function returns the tangent value. In order to calculate the value of tngens, we should use this function. For example, the tangent of 0 is equal to 0. 2. VBA Tan function – Syntax 'datatalk.pl Tan (Number As Double) As Double […]
Cos VBA function – Description The Cos VBA function returns the cosine value. You should use this function to calculate the cosine value. For example, the cosine of 0 is equal to 1. VBA Cos function – Syntax 'officeinside.org Cos (Number As Double) As Double Number : The number on […]
Sin VBA function – Description The Sin VBA function returns the sine value. In order to calculate the sine value, you should use this function. For example, the sine of 0 is equal to 0. VBA Sin function – Syntax 'officeinside.org Sin (Number As Double) As Double Number : The […]
Sgn VBA function – Description The Sgn VBA function returns the sign of the number specified in the argument. The function determines the sign, so it checks whether the argument is a negative, positive, or eual to 0. In the case of negative number, the function returns -1. For positive […]
Sqr VBA function – Description The Sqr VBA function returns the square root of the argument in the Double data type. With this function you can calculate the root of the second square degree. To calculate the root of a greater degree than the second, i.e. the root of the […]
1. Rnd VBA function – Description The Rnd VBA function returns a random number between 0 and 1. The function can be compared to the RAND function in an Excel sheet. We use this function to generate random numbers. The operation can be modified in any way to select a number from any range, ie. from 0 to […]
Round VBA Function – Description The Round VBA function is used to round numbers with decimal places. How can we use the Round function? In place of the first argument of the function, enter the number you want to round. In place of the second argument, enter the number of decimal places to which you […]
VBA conversion functions – Description. How to change data type in VBA Excel? In this chapter, you will learn all convertion functions in Excel VBA . When writing programs in VBA, you will have often a situation where you will have to change the data type. As you probably know, […]
Creating VBA functions defined by user Both Excel and VBA offer you a number of useful functions. But what if you would like to create a VBA function that you will use in Excel? VBA offers you possibility of creating your own functions. These are functions that source code you write yourselve. You can […]
Description of date and time functions. VBA date functions, as the name suggests, are used to manipulate the values ​​related to dates and time. On their basis, you can catch any parameter such as day, month, year, etc. from the given date. You can also subtract two dates from each […]
VBA character functions in Excel The Excel VBA offers us a number of useful character functions. We can’t compare them to the number of functions in an Excel spreadsheet, and these are not the same functions. The use of the sheet functions in VBA code will be described in other chapter. VBA Character functions can […]
Description of math functions in Excel VBA Below I present the names and descriptions of all standard math functions in Excel VBA. As you can see, functions like VBA RND don’t need arguments. Functions like VBA ROUND require 2 arguments – the value and the number of decimal places to […]
Introduction to functions in Excel VBA You have already come to the chapter about VBA functions – Congratulations !!! In VBA we have a large number of useful functions. Using them our programs work in the right way. With their use, you will do mathematical activities, manipulate text data and dates. You can […]
InputBox window – entering data into VBA It’s great, that you have already reached this part of VBA tutorial. After the VBA MsgBox window you will learn how to work with window for entering data into our VB code. Like the MsgBox window, this window has many additional parameters. Let’s […]
VisualBasic Editor – Introduction The VisualBasic editor will be the tool that you will use in this course. In order to take full advantage of the VBA option on your computer, you should start with: Unlocking the Developer tab in Excel Enable macro operations in Excel How to enable Developer […]