1. CVar VBA function – Description The CVar VBA function returns a value with the Variant data type . The Variant data type can store both numeric and text data. When using this function, remember that the Variant data type itself is the least efficient data type in VBA. 2. […]
excel vba functions
1. CStr VBA function – Description The CStr VBA function returns a value of the String data type . The simplest form of the String data type with a variable number of characters takes up as many bytes in memory as there are characters in a given text string. We […]
1. CSng VBA Function – Description The CSng VBA function returns a value with the Single data type . It is a number between -3.402823e38 and 1.401298e45 . The Single data type is 4 bytes in memory. We usually use functions when we want our data to be more efficient. […]
1. CLngLng VBA function – Description The CLngLng VBA function returns a value of the LongLong data type . It is an integer ranging from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 . The LongLong data type is 8 bytes in memory. It is important that the LongLong data type itself, unlike the Long […]
1. CLng VBA function – Description The CLng VBA function returns a value of the Long data type . It is an integer in the range –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,486,647 . The Long data type is 4 bytes in memory. The function can also be used to convert a number stored […]
1. CInt VBA function – Description The CInt VBA function returns a value of the Integer data type . It is an integer in the range -32768 to 32767 . The Integer data type takes 2 bytes in memory and is therefore very efficient. This way, we can convert low-valued […]
1. CDbl VBA Function – Description The CDbl VBA function returns a value with the Double data type . It is a number between -1.79769313486232e +308 to -4.94065645841247E-324 . The Double data type is 8 bytes in memory. We usually use functions when converting very large floating point numbers. Using […]
1. CDate VBA Function – Description The CDate VBA function returns a value with the Date data type . The Date data type is 8 bytes in memory. The function converts the date and time saved in text form to VBA formatted date and time. The function works like the […]
1. CCur VBA Function – Description The CCur VBA function returns a value with the Currency data type . It is a floating point number formatted as a currency ranging from -922,337,203,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807 . The Currency data type is 8 bytes in memory. . Attempting to call a function […]
1. CByte VBA Function – Description The CByte VBA function returns a value of the Byte data type. It is an integer in the range 0-255 . The Byte data type, as its name suggests, occupies a memory space of 1B. This way, we can convert low-valued numbers to store […]
1. CBool ​​VBA Function – Description The CBool ​​VBA function returns a value of the Boolean data type, that is, True or False . We can use it to convert both the result of a logical expression and the number 1 or 0. The CBool ​​function can also be used […]
1. Year VBA function – Description The Year VBA function returns a number representing the year of a given date. So if we want Excel VBA to return to us numbers corresponding to subsequent years, we should use this function. It should be remembered that the date from which we […]
1. WeekdayName VBA Function – Description The WeekdayName VBA function returns the word name of the day of the week from 1 to 7. It is important that the argument for this function is a number, not a date. The function can be combined with the VBA Weekday function or […]
1. Weekday VBA Function – Description The Weekday VBA function returns the word name of the day of the week from numbers from 1 to 7. In the second argument of the function we can define which day of the week we consider as the first, e.g. for Poland it […]
1. VBA TimeValue Function – Description The TimeValue VBA function converts the time stored in text form into a formatted time with the date data type in VBA. This function is also used to extract time values ​​from date and time values. If we would like to convert a text […]
1. TimeSerial VBA Function – Description The TimeSerial VBA function returns the time composed of arguments such as hour , minute , second . If in VBA you have numbers representing hours, minutes, seconds and you want to compose time from them, use the TimeSerial function. In case you want […]