Insert Multi Page tabs into the UserForm VBA MultiPage Contol are pages of your application, between which the user will be able to jump. On each page you will see other elements and content of the application. To insert pages into our UserForm, you should choose the MultiPage control from the ToolBox. […]
How to build an application in Excel VBA using the UserForm form In the last part of the course we will deal with the creation of a short application using the form. As in the case of the previous application, we should write down the basic requirements based on which our […]
What is VBA UserForm The UserForm form is a form that works under Excel that allows us to create visually developed applications. You can add more types of controls to the UserForm form than to the data sheet. From the controls of the UserForm form, we can distinguish primarily: Label label TextBox […]
Inserting Labels – VBA Label (ActiveX Control) in Excel SpreadSheet How to insert a VBA Label in Excel Sheet? From the ActiveX controls in the Developer tab, select the Label control. Next, put control where you want to use it. You can change their name in the properties of the […]
Inserting VBA Spin Button – SpinButton (ActiveX Control) The next ActiveX control we will learn is the Spin button control. We will use it for navigation, and precisely move the rows of the sheet up and down. When you click the down arrow, the sheet view should move down. How can you insert […]
Inserting Command Button (ActiveX Control) in Excel SpreadSheet The command button is a ActiveX control which will be used to run written scripts. VBA Command Button can be embedded in both the Excel spreadsheet and the UserForm. How to insert a CommandButton? Go to the Developer’s tab in excel window, then insert the ActiveX controls […]
How to insert VBA CheckBox control in Excel Sheet (ActiveX control)? How to use VBA Check Box ? You can embed this control in Excel in the same way as the option buttons. The important thing compare to the VBA option button is that you can select more than one option using Check […]
Building an application for entering data – Inserting an Option Button Option (ActiveX Control) We would like the data on gender to be entered in the “I” column of our data table, which is the value of Woman or Man. In this case, we should construct our application in such a […]
Inserting a ListBox list box (ActiveX control) The list box, unlike the combo box, allows us to select more than one selection option at the same time. How do I insert a ListBox list field? As in the case of previous controls, we enter the Developer tab. We choose among […]
How to insert VBA TextBox in Excel Sheet (ActiveX control) VBA textbox field is used to enter data and then to process them with VBA code. Inserting a TextBox field into Excel sheet starts with selecting it in the Developer tab from the ActiveX controls. How to insert VBA TextBox (ActiveX […]
Excel VBA: Building an application for entering data Let’s do an example that uses all of the known ActiveX controls. Your purpose will be to build a short application for entering client data. The application will be based on the Excel spreadsheet. Its main purpose is to simplify data entry into columns and […]
Introduction to ActiveX controls It’s great that you have already reached this part of the VBA Tutorial. VBA ActiveX controls are controls used to visualize our applications in Excel. ActiveX controls available in the Developer tab are used primarily to build simple applications running under Excel. For the construction of slightly more […]
What is the For Each Next loop in VBA? In this article you will learn what the For Each Next loop is and how to use it in Excel VBA. The For Each Next Loop is an extension of the VBA For loop. The difference between the two types of loops is that For Each we can […]
VBA For Next loop – basic informations The VBA For Next Loop is another loop that we will learn. In the simplest words, the loop allows us to enter in advance the number of repetitions of instructions to be done. For example, let’s try to use VBA For loop to display the “For […]
The diagram of Do While Loop The While…Wend loop, which you learned in the previous chapter is the simplest loop in the Excel VBA. The loop that gives you more options is Do Loop. It gives you more possibilities. You can, for example, finish the instructions earlier, by entering the […]
While Wend loop – introduction The VBA While Wend loop is the simplest in construction loop available in VBA. If your code need to be short, not complicated and have a simple structure, it is recommended to use this loop instead of the Do…Loop and For…Next Loop. It gives You similar possibilities. Below […]