VBA For Next loop – basic informations The VBA For Next Loop is another loop that we will learn. In the simplest words, the loop allows us to enter in advance the number of repetitions of instructions to be done. For example, let’s try to use VBA For loop to display the “For […]
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While Wend loop – introduction The VBA While Wend loop is the simplest in construction loop available in VBA. If your code need to be short, not complicated and have a simple structure, it is recommended to use this loop instead of the Do…Loop and For…Next Loop. It gives You similar possibilities. Below […]
Introduction to the loops in Excel VBA Loops are the most powerfull elements in programming languages. Using them, you can automate activities, speed up your programs, do things that you couldn’t do in the Excel datasheet. The loop, as its name suggests, is used to do some operations many times. In VBA Excel, there […]