1. UCase VBA function – Description UCase VBA function converts all letters in a string to uppercase. You can compare it to the CAPITAL function in an Excel worksheet. How to use UCASE function in VBA Excel? In the argument of the function, enter a string in quotation marks, or […]
1. Trim VBA Function – Description The Trim VBA function removes spaces from both sides of the text. We use it when we want to remove unnecessary spaces from both the left and right side of a text string. It is worth noting that the function does not remove spaces […]
1. StrReverse VBA Function – Description The StrReverse VBA function returns text with characters in reverse order. If we want to reverse characters in a text string starting from the last one, we should use this function. 2. VBA Replace function – Syntax StrReverse (Expression As String) As String Expression […]
1. StrConv VBA Function – Description The StrConv VBA function converts a text value by specified in the second argument of the parameter. With this function, you can, among other things, convert a string to uppercase like the VBA UCase function . We can convert the string to lowercase like […]
1. StrComp VBA Function – Description The StrComp VBA function compares the length of strings in two texts. Depending on the difference in length, the function returns the values 1, 0 or -1. 2. VBA StrComp Function – Syntax StrComp (String1, String2, [Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare]) String1 : The […]
1. Str VBA function – Description The VBA Str function converts a numeric value to the String data type . The simplest form of the String data type with a variable number of characters takes up as many bytes in memory as there are characters in a given text string. […]
1. Space VBA function – Description The Space VBA function returns the number of spaces specified in the argument. So, if we want to get a text with only 100 spaces, enter the number 100 in the argument. 2. VBA Space function – Syntax Space (integer) Integer – The number […]
1. RTrim VBA function – Description The RTrim VBA function removes spaces from the right side of text. We use it when we want to remove unnecessary spaces from the right side of a text string. If, however, we want to remove spaces from the left side of the text, […]
1. RIGHT VBA function – Description The RIGHT function in VBA cuts the specified number of characters from the text starting from the right side. It can be compared to the RIGHT function in an Excel worksheet. The function cuts text from other text starting from the right side. For […]
1. Replace VBA function – Description The Replace VBA function is used to replace strings. If we want to replace a word or a fragment of text with another, we use the Replace function. The function has additional arguments with which we can also determine how many occurrences of strings […]
1. MID VBA function – Description The MID VBA function is equivalent to the SUBSTRING or SUBSTR function in other programming languages. How does the MID function work? The VBA MID function cuts text from other text. For example, from the sentence “I’m learning to program in VBA, we can […]
1. LTrim VBA function – Description LTrim VBA function removes spaces from left side of text. We use it when we want to remove unnecessary spaces from the left side of a text string. If we want to remove spaces from the middle of the text, we should use the […]
1. Len VBA function – Description The VBA Len function returns the string length for the given argument. How to use it? All you have to do is enter some text as an argument to the function. The function can be compared to the Length function in other programming languages. […]
1. LEFT VBA function – Description The LEFT function in VBA cuts a specified number of characters from the text starting from the left side. It can be compared to the LEFT function in an Excel worksheet. The function cuts text from other text starting from the left side. For […]
1. LCase VBA function – Description The LCase VBA function converts all letters in a string to lowercase. This can be compared to the LOWER function in an Excel worksheet. How to use LCASE function in VBA Excel? In the argument of the function, enter a string in quotation marks, […]
1. InStrRev VBA function – Description The InStrRev VBA function returns the character position in the string starting from the end. If we want, which position in a given text is occupied by a character or word, we should use this function. This function can also be used to search […]